January – Picture This!: Quilt Inspiration from Photos (host: Althea & Tamara)
February – Kapa: all about Bark Cloth (host: Aleesha)
March – Alternate Grid Quilts (host: Guild Board)
April – Spring Fling & Retreat is a an in-person meeting (host: Shelli and Terry)
May – Quilt Classes Discussion Panel (host: David Owen Hastings
June – Improvization (host: MQG Community)
July – Meeting Cancelled, Potluck
August – (host: )
September – (host: )
October – Fall Retreat is an in-person meeting (host: Terry and Shelli)
November – (host:)
December – Happy Holidays, no meeting
2025-02-09 Membership Minutes
Facilitator: Lesley Allan, Guild President
Present: Lesley Allan, Michelle Bartholomew, Tamara Dezellem, Kristen Doerr, Aleesha Kobernik, Cassie Miller, Peggy Ross, Debbie Shemorry, Cathy Sweeney and Terry Murphy.
Board Meeting Updates
- The Board is working on a proposed Amendment to our By-Laws which would change the term for office holders from 2 years to 1 year. Tamara is working on the document and the proposed change will be voted on by the Guild at the March, 2025 meeting.
- Jill is organizing the Ohme Gardens Quilt Show from July 18-20th. She informed the Board that Guild members can list their quilts for sale. If a Guild member wants to sell quilt(s), please let Jill know by March 31st. Jill asks the sellers to create an artist statement for each quilt.
- The Guild website will be reorganized by Peggy Ross. The website is the welcome center for folks interested in joining the Guild as well as an information center for members.
- Instagram: Aleesha has volunteered to maintain the Guild’s Instagram account. We would like to have at least one post per week on Instagram. Please e-mail Aleesha if you have a photo or video you would like posted on Instagram. Please note “Instagram” on your e-mail to help Aleesha with this effort.
- Workshop with David Owen Hastings: May 31, 2025 from 9-3 at Cordell, Neher & Co . The room will be open from 8-5. Please arrive by 8:30 to set-up. The class supply list has been sent out.
- March Program: Alternative Grid, a video produced by the Modern Quilt Guild.
Program – Aleesha Kobernik presented on the history of Barkcloth
- Cloth made from bark was the first textile on all continents!
- In Hawaii, the “Paper Mulberry Tree” was used to create cloth.
- The process of making the cloth is very elaborate and has been revived in recent years by a small group of Hawaiians.
- The making of this cloth was greatly reduced after 1778 when Captain Cook traded cotton cloth for the barkcloth.
- The cotton cloth was much more durable and desirable.
- Aleesha shared a documentary about barkcloth and may be viewed using the link below:
- https://youtu.be/guSPppwqXqk
Show & Tell
Adjourn – Next Meeting is March 13, 2025: Social 5:30-6 Meeting 6-8 PM
2025-02-06 – Minutes – Board
Meeting facilitated by Althea Gyde
Present: Althea Gyde, Tamara Dezellem, Cathy Sweeney, Lesley Allen, Peggy Ross and Jill Theriault.
By-Laws: Tamara agreed to draft initial updates and forward to Leslie for review before bringing this to the Guild for a vote.
Website: Peggy is working on our website with the goal of driving interest in our Guild, as well as protecting the privacy of our members. She will be adding a “password only” section of our website.
Membership: Tamara reported that 20 Guild members from 2024 have paid their 2025 membership dues and two have not. President will send e-mail to Kristen Doer requesting outreach to the two unpaid members to request if they are still interested in joining. After the final tally is complete, Tamara will send final 2025 to the Modern Quilt Guild along with our dues payment.
Income & Expenses: Tamara has completed an excel spreadsheet with income & expenses for our Guild and will be sending it to the Modern Quilt Guild. The IRS Form 9090-N is filed through the Modern Quilt Guild.
Social Media: Aleesha is in charge of social media for 2025; the Board is expecting a post on Instagram a minimum of once per week. Guild Members will be requested to e-mail Aleesha using “Instagram” in the subject area with activities to post on a routine basis at the next Guild Meeting.
February Presenter: Aleesha – Bark cloth
March Modern Quilt Guild – Alternative Grid (video, project & pattern)
April Spring Retreat
May Members: How to maximize the experience of Online Trainings & Quilt Alongs
June Modern Quilt Guild – Improv and follow up of training by David Owen Hastings
September Tentative-Modern Quilt Guild – Maximalism (Video, Project & Pattern)
October Tentative-Fall Retreat
November Tentative – Modern Quilt Guild – Handwork by Michelle Bartholomew
(Video, Project & Pattern)
Special Events:
Ohme Gardens: Peggy is heading up the Ohme Gardens Challenge. Members need to commit to # of quilts by March 31st, at the latest. Please label quilts and if you want to sell your quilts, that is fine Ohme Gardens Management. Please price them clearly and provide VENMO information for payment.
David Owen Hastings Class: Contract has been signed and class supply list has been sent out. 16 Guild Members and 1 Friend have registered; 2 will be using Zoom to access the workshop and 15 will attend at Cordell-Neher. The net cost to the Guild is $285.00
It would be beneficial to the Guild to add Job Descriptions for the Board Members as well as the Committee Volunteers. Please develop a draft and send to Lesley Allan to be discussed at our March, 2025 meeting.
2025-01-09 Membership Minutes
Facilitator: Althea Gyde
Present: Lesley Allan, Tamara Dezellem, Kristen Doerr, Thea Gyde, Aleesha Kobernik, Shelli Maitland, Cassie Miller, Michele Mosely, Terry Murphy, Sharon Paine, Peggy Ross, Cindy Rudolph, Debbie Shemorry, Teresa Shover, Nancy Straub, Cathy Sweeney, Jill Therriault, Terry Murphy and Lynette Westendorf.
Board Meeting Updates
$50 annual dues to be paid by January 15, 2025 to maintain access to resources at Modern Quilt Guild.
New Meeting Format:
Ice breaker question to introduce new members to the Guild
Bring a friend
Business items read by facilitator followed by Q & A when/if applicable
Show & Tell
Finish meeting by 8:00 PM.
Guild Schedule for 2025
1st Thursday – Board Meeting (Zoom)
2nd Thursday – General Meeting (Zoom)
3rd Saturday – Sew In (9-3) at Cordell Neher
January 18
February 15
March 15
April (3-day Retreat)
May – August – No Sew Ins
September – 3-day retreat
Oct – Dec – No Sew Ins
4th Thursday – Sewing Together (Zoom)
2025 Programming
January Picture This! Quilt Inspiration from photos – Thea & Tamara
February All about Bark Cloth – Aleesha
March Alternative Grid Quilts – MQG Community
April Retreat/Spring Fling Mixer & Maximalist Project Reveal
May Quilt Class Discussion Panel (Online and in-person classes)
June Improvisation (MQG Community)
2025 Volunteers
Communications & Social Media – Aleesha
Show & Tell, Guild Events, Modern Quilting Community, QuiltCon Coverage
Contact Aleesha or tag her on Instagram @Lupinehook
Retreats (Spring & Fall) – Shelli & Terry
Thursday Sew-In – Jill
Saturday Sew-In – Shelli
Website – Peggy
Check website for events, meeting links and updates
Two sew-alongs Knit & Thread – Small Duffel Bag
January 25th – Rosie Taylor Craft Make & Mend Kit
Special Workshops – Cindy & Peggy
Workshop with David Owen Hastings: Zoom: May 31, 2025 from 9-3 at Cordell, Neher & Co . The room will be open from 8-5. Please arrive by 8:30 to set-up.
Members & guests may choose to participate from an offsite location.
- Cost for the workshop is $40.00 for Guild members and $75.00 for non-guild members.
- 15 Members enrolled for in-person sight; we have room for 1 more person. Enrollment is now open to friends & family of Guild Members.
- Please bring your own lunch, snacks & drinks.
- Supply List will be provided soon!
Ohme Gardens Quilt Show
- The 2025 Ohme Gardens Outdoor Quilt Show will be held on July 18, 19 and 20, at 3327 Ohme Road, Wenatchee from 9AM to 6 PM each day.
- Members are encouraged to display 2 large quilts or the equivalent in small quilts. Quilts will be taken down each night and stored in Jill’s trailer for safekeeping to be rehung the next morning.
- Participating members are required to volunteer for one of six, five-hour shifts (2 shifts per day). This will cover hanging and manning the show or manning the show and take down.
- Members are asked to commit to the show by March 31, 2025. Please let Jill know if you plan to show
Ohme Gardens Challenge Quilts
- Members are encouraged to do a challenge for the Ohme Gardens Outdoor Quilt Show.
- Rules:
12” X 12” finished Mini Quilt - Must include Featured Fabric on the front of the quilt.
- Peggy is in charge of the Featured Fabric; if you would like to participate and have not yet received a 5 ½ by 7-inch piece of the Featured Fabric, contact her as soon as possible.
Program – Quilt Inspiration from Photos – Thea and Tamara
Abstract vs. Realism?
Whole or In Part?
Line, Shape, Color & Texture
App – “Procreate” Photo App
App – “A Quilty Solid”
Show & Tell
Adjourn – Next Meeting is February 13, 2025. Social 5:30-6 Meeting 6-8 PM