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2024-01-11 – Minutes

ATTENDEES: Lesley Allan, Michelle Bartholomew, Tamara Dezellem, Kristen Doerr, Thea Gyde, Aleesha Kobernik, Shelli Maitland, Cassie Miller, Terry Murphy, Sharon Paine, Lisa Pearl, Peggy Ross, Cindy Rudolph, Debbie Shemorry, Nancy Straub, Cathy Sweeney, Jill Therriault, Terry Murphy. Absent: Robin Johnson, Lindsey Kliesz

Lightening Round: What is your favorite food you ate during the holidays?


Sew-In: Shelli Maitland reported the next Sew-In will be held on January 20th from 9-3 at Cordell, Neher & Co. Shelli requested funds to purchase an ironing board and iron for the group to be housed at Neher & Co., with permission. Terry Murphy and Peggy Ross each offered to donate a cutting mat.

March Retreat: Peggy Ross reported the Retreat will be held March 14, 15, 16 & 17th, beginning at 5:30 on the 14th for set-up. The CWMQG March Meeting will be held at 6:00 on the 14th at Cordell, Neher & Co. The cost is $25.00. Please mail funds to Terry Murphy at P. O. Box 3299, Wenatchee, WA 98807. A Light breakfast, lunch and dinner will be provided Friday and Saturday with a Brunch on Sunday.

Annual Dues: Terry Murphy noted that annual dues of $50.00 are due. Please mail to Terry at P. O. Box 3299, Wenatchee, WA 98807.

QuiltCon Block Swap: Lesley Allan shared Wildflower Quilt Co. is hosting a “Block Swap” during QuiltCon. Lesley will send out directions and information to our members. This activity involves creating one (or more) Postcards and mailing them, along with return envelope & postage. The postcards will be delivered to QuiltCon and traded with other submitted postcards and the new postcard(s) will be returned to you. This is a voluntary activity.

UFO: Terry Murphy suggested members of the group have an “Accountability Partner” regarding unfinished projects. No action taken.

Improv Activity: Thea Gyde suggested members watch a video “Modern Quilt Traditional” which can be found on the Modern Quilt Guild website and plan an activity. Ideas include a timed activity during a sew-in, etc. The Guild agreed that this would make a great program for one of the 2024 monthly meetings.

Labeling Quilts: Jill Therriault suggested a future program topic be “Creative Labeling” of our quilts. Our quilts may last for generations and documenting the meaning behind each quilt is worth noting.

Asian Fabric Challenge: Participating Guild members shared their projects using the quarter yard of Asian Fabric Aleesha Kobernik generously donated to Guild members at our Fall Retreat.

Show & Tell: Participating Guild members shared their projects

Meeting Adjourned.