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2023 Minutes

January 12, 2023 – General Meeting

Members Present: See Introductions

Meeting called to order at 6:00 P.M by Aleesha.

Agenda Items


Question of the night: WIP count and resolutions

Aleesha, Terry, Jill, Tamara, Thea, Peggy, Shelli, Lesley, Nancy, Cathy, Thea, Cassie, Michelle, Debbie, Sharon

  • Winter retreat – Cordell Nerr. February 9th after 5pm. Guild meeting at 6pm
  • Thursday night setup
  • Friday morning sewing
  • Nancy doing group mystery guild approx. 5 hours. Lap sized quilt 60×72.
  • Canned goods donation.
  • Able to use kitchen. Lunch simple (on your own). Dinners for group.
  • Friday dinner – enchiladas and salad and dessert – Lesley, Sharon, and Aleesha
  • Saturday – Chili – Michelle and Cassie
  • Terry – paper plates and napkins
  • BYO silverware and drinks

Community Challenge Quilt – Horse Therapy

February challenge – magazine challenge. Inspiration to make something from picture in magazine. Bring pages with you (not a quilting magazine).

March – spring fling – Bingo and fascinator making

Dues are due!

Sew in dates – 3rd Saturdays – Shelli will email

Tonight’s program: book review. Each person shared their favorite quilting book and why.

Show and Tell

February 9, 2023 – General Meeting

Members Present: See Introductions

Meeting called to order at 6:00 P.M by Aleesha.

Agenda Items


Question of the night: What did you forget to bring to the retreat?

Aleesha, Shelly, Thea, Peggy, Lindsey, Cindy, Debbie, Cassie, Michelle, Terri, Jill, Sharon, Nancy, Cathy, Tamara, Lesley


Fabric exchange project due Sept.

July – potluck instead of guild meeting. July 15th or 16th. Vote tomorrow. Nancy and Cathy will demo fabric dying. Park at 5th street in wenatchee

Spring fling – next meeting. Lesley has more bingo cards. Making fascinators. Fabric swap hosted by JIll – 1 yard (any combo to make 1 yard). Favorite color and “sparkle” factor.

Thank you for staff here at Cordell. Peggy made rope bowl filled with candy. Tamara made quilted card as a thank you gift.

Select magazine page for challenge. 3 months to make project.

Show and Tell

Retreat tomorrow opens at 8am.

Nancy’s mystery quilt. Fabrics cut by Saturday morning. Starts at 9am on Saturday.

June program is now fabric rope bowls with Peggy.

February 23, 2023 – Board Meeting

Members Present: Lesley, Tamara, Peggy, Aleesha, Michelle


  • Julie Smith membership question.
  • Quiltcon awards show – yay Michelle
  • Community challenge
  • Spring Fling

Spring Fling

  • Bingo cards – Lesley can send some if you don’t have them
  • Aleesha will do number calling
  • Prizes for Bingo and fascinator contest (6 total)

Julie Smith dues question

Dues set my MQG national. We don’t have a choice, we have to follow their rules. Indiv. membership is cheaper if she wants to go that route.

Aleesha will send MQG invoice to Tamara.

Community Challenge

Cindy is the project lead. Run for the roses is the name of their gala (Alathea horse therapy). Aleesha is the design lead. 2 designs to vote on. Thea would long arm if needed.

Colors: red, black, silver, gold, cream, champagne (color of their horses)

Gala is in October. Quilt by mid September. Quilt top to long armer by end of Auguest.

Pixelated rose quilt is current choice. Yellow rose of Texas pattern. Guild will purchase fabric, except for scrappy background.

Shopping, cutting, sewing, pinning (Assembly line style)

Lesley would donate batting.

March 9, 2023 – General Meeting

Members Present: See Introductions

Meeting called to order at 6:00 P.M by Aleesha.

Agenda Items


Question of the night: If you were a race horse, what would your name be

  • Jill – straight shooter
  • Cindy – speed demon
  • Tamara – Nick’s granddaughter
  • Terry – I have no idea. Always steady
  • Cassie – Steady Betty
  • Lesley – Tartan Trotter
  • Nancy – Dare Devil
  • Peggy – Giddy Up
  • Michelle – Lil Pumpkin
  • Aleesha – Gale Force Winds
  • Sharon – Lucky Lady

Community Outreach Quilt for 2023

  • Alatheia – Run for the Roses Gala
  • October
  • Color palette- Red, Black, Silver, Gold, White, Champagne
  • “dun” is offical name for the horse color
  • Option 2 is our vote. Make in original size but add some more background squares. Silver binding.
  • Cutting – nancy and jill
  • Terry will get paint chip names
  • Layout – Cindy and Peggy
  • Sewing – Jill and Lesley
  • Longarming – Jill
  • Batting – Lesley
  • Ironing – Terry and Nancy and Sharon
  • Binding – Terry
  • Photography – Michelle
  • Backing – Lesley
  • move April Sew In to the 22nd
  • bring your cut background squares (already cut)
  • May 13th sew in moved to that day

Fabric swap show and tell

Fascinator hat making contest


Magazine challenge due in May

Show and Tell

Thu 3/16/2023 BOD Meeting

Members Present: Aleesha, Tamara, Lesley, Peggy, Michelle

Agenda Items

  • Successful Spring fling! 

Programs for the remainder of the year:

  • April – Aleesha and Thea
  • May – Magazine challenge reveal
  • June – Peggy rope bowl
  • July – potluck. nancy and kathy demo. saturday July 15th. In Wenatchee in the park. Lesley also is offering her house to do the demos/potluck
  • August – nothing. Lesley texting Geraldine about talking about upcycling or whatever she wants to talk about. We are rescheduling meeting date bc of big guild show is doing setup. Move it to August 17th.
  • September – 
  • October – 
  • November – 
  • December – 
  • Ideas for programs:
  • —MQG website challenge
  • —100 day project recap
  • —where do you follow arists? where are you getting your challenge inspiration? Who are your favorite sources? non quilt artists as well as quilt artists.
  • —visible mending
  • Tamara – Treasurer report:
  • IRS filing
  • dues are paid
  • $2112.48 balance

April 20, 2023 – General Meeting

Guild Meeting 4/20/23 (1 week later than usual)

Members in attendance:

  • Aleesha
  • Michelle
  • Terry
  • Debbie
  • Tamara
  • Shelli
  • Nancy
  • Cathy
  • Cassie
  • Cindy
  • Lesley
  • Jill
  • Peggy
  • Linda Dobbins
  • Sharon
  • Thea


July potluck – Thursday, July 13th at Lesley’s house or in the park on Saturday, July 15th

Members in attendance voting on which date works best.

Evening of Thursday, July 13th is the winner. 5pm start time, but get there when you can. So it will be at Lesley’s house

Terry is coordinating the potluck. She will send out email or figure something out.

Lesley can do plates and silverware for all.

Community Quilt and Sew-In

This Saturday is our sew-in. Jill and Nancy in charge of this. Cutting day for our community quilt. Bring rulers, cutting mats, etc. Peggy has the fabric (besides the background squares). 9am is the start time. Ends at 3pm. Terry picked out paint chip colors for background colors (they are in email). Intricate ivory 4072. Monogram 4037. Choice cream 4073. Sherwin williams. (36) 2 ½ squares from each member (at least). Tone on tone preferred. Mail to Terry if you can’t make it. PO Box 3299. Wenatchee, WA. (it’s on the roster).

May 13th – first sewing day for community quilt

Wenatchee Guild Quilt Show

August – Quilt show for big guild. Move our guild meeting to Thursday Aug. 17th.

Nancy – NCW Quilt Guild (all show info is on this website)

Aug 11th-12th town toyota center. $10 admission.

Anyone can enter quilts for a $5 entry fee per quilt. As many entries you want. 

Not a juried show. Asking entrants to rate their quilts with priority for showing. Anticipating a large number of entries. Will try to get all #1 quilts into the show. 

Can be made any year, but needs to be something that wasn’t entered in this show in the past.

Guest artist is Lesley Allan! 

$25 per year for big guild dues if anyone wants to join. Meetings on last wednesday of each month at Pybus market at 6pm. 

Upcoming Programs

May – magazine challenge parade of finishes

June – fabric baskets (sept. basket finish parade)

Tonight’s Program

Round Robin Quilts Presentation – Aleesha

“I have a rotary cutter…. and rage” – Althea Gyde

Show and Tell

Thu 4/27/2023 BOD Meeting

Members Present: Aleesha, Tamara, Lesley, Peggy, Michelle

Agenda Items

May 11, 2023 – General Meeting

Meeting called to order at 6:00 P.M by Aleesha.


Question: favorite flower? And is it something you can plant in your garden


Aleesha, Cassie, Michelle, Tamara, Peggy, Terry, Jill, Kristen, Cindy, Nancy, Cathy, Althea, Debbie, Shelli, Sharon, Special appearance by Hans

Fall retreat info. Thea and Jill. Register by July 31. $25 payment via check

Community Quilt challenge update.

Cindy: Saturday sew-in. Ready to assemble quilt top. Need people for pressing, sewing borders/rows/columns, layout/quality control, etc. Progress shot so far. Looking great!!

Calendar of events

June- fiber basket tutorial with Peggy 

July- potluck at Leslie’s house. 5pm

August- TBD. Let Aleesha know if you want to present something 

December possibly – share fabric swap finishes

Tonight’s program-

Magazine challenge parade of finishes

What inspired you from your magazine page? 

What challenges did you face to accomplish your vision?

Show and Tell

June 8, 2023 – General Meeting

Meeting called to order at 6:00 P.M by Aleesha.

Introductions: Favorite art / craft

Terry, Peggy, Cindy, Nancy, Kristen, Leslie, Shelli, Cassie, Cathy, Lindsey, Jill, Tamara, Aleesha, Thea, Lisa

August meeting moved to 3rd Thursday Aug. 17th

July meeting potluck at Leslie’s house 7/13. 5pm. No zoom

Nancy and Cathy teaching: dyeing and shibori

Community challenge quilt – Jill has for quilting, ahead of schedule!

Discussion for future quilt charity donations so JL auction results don’t happen again (sold for $150). Putting together a cost of time and material estimate to show what goes into making a quilt.

September retreat – $25 9/14-17 (Thurs-Sun)

Saturday 6/17 Ohme Gardens – Quilts in the Garden 10am-3pm

Show and Tell

Thu 6/15/2023 BOD Meeting

Members Present: Aleesha, Tamara, Lesley, Peggy, Michelle

Agenda Items

Community quilt – Tamara doesn’t have all the costs yet, but we are okay within the budget

Discussion of how to handle future quilt challenges / charity quilts

Japanese fabric challenge for October? Make a mini quilt – 24″ max per side (96″ circumference max). Aleesha will drop off fabric in Sept. Parade of finishes in January.

August – 100 day challenge

July – Fabric dying at Leslie’s

Nov – Geraldine guest speaker

Need new board members. Announce at every meeting.

Saturday sew-in – should we change dates or just suspend for summer?

July 13, 2023 – General Meeting

In person meeting in Wenatchee for potluck and fabric dying.

August 10, 2023 – General Meeting

Meeting called to order at 6:00 P.M by Aleesha

Introductions: Favorite art / craft

Aleesha, Michelle, Terry, Jill, Tamara, Cindy, Cathy, Kristen, Shelli, Lesley, Nancy, Lindsey

Maui quilt shop accepting quilt donations for families affected by the fire

July potluck memories – hosted by Cathy and Nancy (August show and tell pics)

Community quilt – at Jill’s for quilting. Then to Terry for binding and then to Michelle for photography. Who is doing label? Jill needs to get patches from Peggy. Cindy to find out drop dead date and photo deadline.

QuiltCon 2024

Saturday sew-in this weekend 9am-3pm

Quilt retreat – 14-17 of September. Jill and Thea planning menu. Breakfast for Fri/Sat/Sun provided. Light lunch as well. Dinner slots open for volunteers. Thea will send out meal sign ups. Set up Thursday with monthly guild meeting in person

September challenge- Japanese fabric challenge. Aleesa will be bringing each of us a fat quarter. Mini project. Under 24″ per side. Due in January.

Oct. meeting – where do you find inspiration?

Nov. meeting- Geraldine guest speaker

Quilt show winners from Central WA big show… congrats to all winners from our group! Jill, Thea, Terry, Leslie, Peggy

Show and Tell

Thu 8/31/2023 BOD Meeting

Members Present: Aleesha, Tamara, Lesley, Peggy, Michelle

Agenda Items

Tamara- Main MQG let us know that our non-profit status was revoked because we were missing a form. 990N. Tamara went back online and refiled (we will be re-imbursed by MQG). Tamara should get confirmation in a few months.

We now have MQG pins to pass out at next guild meeting.

Community quilt stalled at quilting. Might make photos a little rushed.

Discussion of future of community quilts for our guild. Maybe take a year off?

Need to work on recruiting new board sign up sheet at retreat. Officers talk about what we do/commitments.

September 14, 2023 – General Meeting

Meeting called to order at 6:00 P.M by Aleesha

In person meeting for our Fall Quilt Retreat!!


Community quilt reveal. It looks amazing!!

Ice breaker: which fabric did you contribute to the quilt? How many projects did you bring to work on?

Aleesha, Tamara, Cindy, Peggy, Terry, Thea, Jill, Debbie, Cassie, Michelle, Nancy, Cathy, Kristen 

Quilt costs $685

Fabric batting quilting binding (not sewing time)

Cindy: Deadlines photo by end of the month. Gala is Oct. 7th

Aleesha and tamara are making label

Tamara – Non profit status and costs


Resist dye activity

Food donation for retreat room

Bring name tag for tomorrow 

Table running thank you gift project

Japanese fabric selections. Small project due for January meeting

Show and tell

October 12, 2023 – General Meeting

Meeting called to order at 6:00 P.M by Aleesha


Aleesa, Michelle, Peggy, Cathy, Nancy, Cassie, Shelli, Terry, Debbie, Lisa, Sharon

Community challenge quilt is complete!! Shared photos of finished quilt and quilt at the gala. We were one of 3 quilts at the gala. Ours sold for $1000 in the silent auction.

New board for next year. Leslie will be president. Everything else is open still. 2 year term.

Retreat recap by attendees. It was super fun!

Saturday sew in and virtual sew-ins discussion. Shelli will send out reminder for November’s saturday sew in.

Tonight’s topic:

Where do you find your inspiration (group discussion)

November 9, 2023 – General Meeting

Meeting called to order at 6:00 P.M by Aleesha


Question of the week: favorite movie soundtrack

Jill- summer of ’42; Nancy- when harry met sally / the way we were; Terry- a star is born; Cindy- armaggedon; Angie- practical magic; Shelli- guardians of the galaxy; Cathy- out of africa; Peggy- matrix; Lesley- white christmas; Tamara- sweet dreams the patsy kline story / american graffiti; Kristen- Purple Rain; Cassie- Grease / wicked; Michelle- That Thing You Do / Pitch Perfect; Geraldine- west side story; Aleesha- somehwere in time; Debbie (late)

Geraldine – Special Speaker

Retreat Dates- March 14th-17th

Open board positions

Japanese fabric challenge due in January 

Next meeting December 

Show and Tell

December 14, 2023

Meeting called to order by Aleesha

What are you going to sew in the new year? Goals for your sewing in the new year?












Look up:

Susan Carlson polar bear quilt

Burgoyne Surrenders or Burgoyne Surrounded Quilt:

Dreamlines project:

Saturday sew in this Saturday. Should see email from Shelli

Winter retreat

March 14-17 – Cordell Nerr

March 14 Guild Meeting in person

There will be a small price to attend

New board members announcement!

Lesley – president

Thea – vice president

Tamara – treasurer

Cathy – secretary

Kristen – membership

Next Thursday 6pm – meeting of old and new boards

January – parade of finishes for japanese fabric challenge. send completed pics to aleesha

Terry – class possibility for botanical dying

Last minute gifts for friends and family

Tissue cover pattern:

Show and Tell