January 13, 2022 – General Meeting
Members Present: See Introductions
Meeting called to order at 6:00 P.M by Aleesha.
Agenda Items
- Introductions – Taking a rainbow of colors, what would be your choice, looking at your stash of fabrics, for improv next month?
- Terry – blue
- Jill – green
- Nancy – green
- Peggy – green
- Michelle – green
- Lesley – blue
- Lindsey – blue
- Kathy – purple
- Aleesha – blue
- Tamara – blue
- Waiting for other members to arrive. Blue is the current winner.
- New PO Box address: Central Washington Modern Quilt Guild; PO Box 3299; Wenatchee, WA 98807
- Announcement: Dues are due in February. Dues are $50. Our guild owes $180 total to the MQG because of the size of our group. Cathy still needs to be added to the MQG site. Peggy will add her.
- Discussion: Should we wear nametags to sew-ins on Saturdays? Many folks still need to finish theirs. Good reminder to finish that project.
- March meeting will be the Spring Fling postcard swap. Jill will run the swap.
- Tamara discussing next month’s program (February). Improv intro. We’re going with blue… light blue to navy to teal and aqua… all values and ranges. Accent color orange and some white. On the next Saturday sew-in in February, we’ll do some improv sewing and pass things around to work on. At the end, there will be a drawing of all participants, and the winner gets all the improv blocks to make a quilt with.
- Discussion: What is our overall vision for our group – more of a community… doing stuff together. Maybe one program a quarter to show something helpful through the MQG website. Or any topics in modern quilting that you want to do. Contact anyone on the board with any ideas for programs this year.
- Hawaii challenge with Lesley
- Lesley shared pictures of tropical quilts made in the past. Advice: Let your creative juices go!
- If you didn’t sign up, you can still participate! Find something with a floral/botanical feel in your stash and then join in the challenge.
- Challenge guidelines: Use a recognizable amount of the fabric. No size limits for your project. Great chance to try a new technique. Don’t feel pressure to make a masterpiece.
- Reveal your project at April meeting.
- Each member opened their packages and shared their fabric for the challenge.
- Show and Tell
Next board meeting is Thursday, January 20th at 6pm. Agenda will be budget for guild. Meetings are open to anyone who would like to attend. Next general meeting is Thursday, February 10th at 6pm. Check the website calendar for upcoming sewing events.
Thu 1/20/2022 BOD Meeting
Members Present: Aleesha, Tamara, Lesley, Michelle
Agenda Items
- New PO box – amount we’re spending on it approx. $100. Should we make a budget for the group and submit it? Then present it to the larger group? Yes let’s do that. Next board meeting, Tamara will do a preliminary budget for us. Budget items: website, PO box, fabric for challenge, MQG dues, checks, events, zoom, etc. (currently $1600 in our account)
- Membership update (Peggy not here tonight). If you need badges, stickers, business cards, etc. She will be the contact for those now. She will update us next board meeting.
- Community Quilt (see notes above). Aleesha checking with Thea to see if it got done. Aleesha has photos of the top that she’ll show at February’s meeting.
- Tamara’s in charge of February’s meeting. Improv. Tamara will send Aleesha photos for her presentation.
- March is planned for Spring Fling swap (fabric postcards with Jill). Bingo game idea or scavenger hunt idea (can you find an item in your sewing room, whoever finds the most things on the list in 5 minutes, wins a prize) (via zoom). Okay buying prizes for the group $25 budget but not tell them the game. Agenda item for next meeting. Board will brainstorm things for bingo card or scavenger hunt idea. Lesley buying some bingo cards. Tamara is seeing if she has the caller set.
- April meeting is the end of the Hawaii fabric challenge. Lesley will host the program with the reveal of each project. Lesley might also talk about a guild block of the month quilt (one member would design a block every other month to present to the group).
- October meeting will be Thea teaching curved improv.
- Ask members what they’d like to learn and see in a program (February meeting intro question)
- Michelle will put together a couple of design ideas for curved EPP program to present to board next month
- Virtual sew ins. Can we get those back on track? Does it make more sense to do it on Thursday nights instead? Monday night instead? Maybe a survey? Consistency will be the key to making these happen.
- Aleesha will check how far along we are in our non-profit status so we can get emails set up for the website.
- Next BOD meeting is Thursday, February 17th at 6pm.
February 10, 2022 – General Meeting
Members Present: See Introductions
Meeting called to order at 6:07 P.M by Aleesha.
- Introductions – Question of the month – What is your favorite animal? Have you made a quilt with it?
- Jill – not an animal lover
- Cassie – giraffe. Has tons of giraffe fabric
- Michelle – penguin. No penguin projects
- Terry – alpaca. no alpaca projects, but has wool
- Aleesha – sloth. small wall hanging and sloth fabric
- Tamara – deer. birthday card with deer fabric and pillow
- Thea – blue heron
- Sharon – cocker spaniel. No dog quilts
- Nancy – cat. Cat on quilt block looking at the moon.
- Cathy – octopus, horses, standard poodle. no quilt with those animals
- Shelli – cat. Has made a dog quilt
Prize for wearing our nametag. Tula Pink unicorn
Agenda Items
- Community Challenge Quilt. Shared pictures of completed quilt with the group. It looks amazing!! Feedback from Thea: these challenge quilts are coming together at Christmas time. Not great for long armers. Going forward, we should start brainstorming and have details ready in March/April. March meeting we should present the colors and theme to the group.
- Spring Fling. This will be our March program. Be in your sewing room for games. Jill running postcard swap. She will email everyone details. You can start making your postcards now. 3 postcards.
- Future programs: Hawaii fabric challenge finishes up in April. May will be a new challenge (TBD). October will be improv curves with Thea.
Tonights program: Improv with Tamara
February 19th (next sew in) – improv sewing with blue scraps
Show and Tell
Prize drawing. Winner is Terry!
Thu 2/22/2022 BOD Meeting
Members Present: Aleesha, Tamara, Lesley, Michelle, and Peggy
Agenda Items
- Budget with Tamara – Current in bank $1923. 14 members have paid. 3 new and dropped 2. Are we updating shared roster? Google doc. Peggy will mail out roster at end of the month. Tamara will present budget to members for approval. Okay with running deficit for a year.
- Membership update with Peggy. Peggy has everything from Jill now.
- Aleesha will update guild shared folder and make sure we all have access.
- Tamara – Outdoor show. Aleesha will ask Lindsey if we secured a date
- Peggy – May program idea is a MQG site tour and make a block you picked from the site. Each board member can present something they like on the site and one block they want to make. Challenge blocks will be presented in September.
- Michelle – EPP curves presentation in July. EPP flower blocks. Michelle will cut and mail papers to each person.
- Lesley will email us with more program ideas for the rest of the year.
March 10, 2022 – General Meeting
Members Present: See Introductions
Meeting called to order at 6:00 P.M by Aleesha.
Agenda Items
- Introductions – Question of the month. What program would you like in May?
- Nancy – in person class. Nancy is willing to teach
- Peggy – idea with Tamara. Going to let her share
- Tamara – how to take a traditional block and make it modern
- Cathy – wants Nancy to come up with something to teach us
- Lesley – report on the status of our rotary club quilt for their auction. Loved the saturday sew in improv challenge
- Sharon – what is modern quilting
- Terry – redo a previous challenge
- Thea – scrap fabric management. Find pattern that uses scraps. At saturday sew in, work on the project
- Annie – Least favorite color auction.
- Cassie – curves
- Jill – More questions / explorations on Annie’s color auction idea. Upcycling/recycling ideas. EPP curves. Making something inspired by a picture/building and making something modern with it.
- Julie – love Thea and Annie’s ideas
Aleesha – welcome
Budget presentation by Tamara – group voted yes to approve budget
Lesley – next month is the Hawaii challenge
Jill – postcard quilt show and tell
Scavenger hunt items:
- Pin cushion (bonus for red tomato)
- Needle threader
- Needle case/book
- New package of machine needles
- Thimble
- Spray starch
- New rotary blades
- Wonder clips
- Color wheel
- 1 yard of printed fabric (bonus if blue)
Jill – someone should step up and be the monthly program coordinator
Everyone email Aleesha your least favorite color to work with
Thu 3/17/2022 BOD Meeting
Members Present: Aleesha, Tamara, Michelle, and Peggy
Peggy moving her program to September
Make Spring Fling an annual event.
Agenda Items
Program list
(also will be on Events and Happenings on the website)
- April – parade of finishes from hawaii challenge
- May – curved EPP (moved scrap management group program to July)
- June – Show and tell of outdoor quilt show quilts
- July – scrap management group program (moved curved EPP to May)
- August – open (tbd color wheel/least favorite color challenge)
- September – MQG site with peggy
- October – improv piecing with curves
- November – traditional block made modern board presentation
- December – end of year celebration. Christmas swap? Mug rugs? Christmas cards?
Program idea discussion:
Color wheel (can Lesley present her color wheel expertise? Aleesha will ask. Tamara as backup) and least favorite color challenge. Spinner gives you options: monochromatic; complementary, etc. Live fabric pull from sewing room.
Traditional block made modern. Board presentation. Each of us pick a traditional block and make it modern in our own way. Next board meeting we’ll discuss which blocks we are selecting.
Scrap management. How do you best manage your scraps?. How do the experts manage them? What are your favorite scrap patterns? Share your favorite scrap project/block.
Upcycle clothing presentation
Mini quilt show – extended show and tell
Outdoor quilt show – haven’t set a date yet. Lindsey is working on it
Kathy in person ice dye class (august?)
Jill/Thea retreat update for April meeting?
16 official members now. MQG payment due. Aleesha will forward Tamara the invoice.
Website is updated. Peggy will email out roster to everyone in group.
Newsletter for April:
- Date of quilt show
- Upcoming programs
- Challenge quilt details
- Links to minutes/reminders of where to find stuff on website
- Retreat date
- Scrap management questions for May meeting
Program chair position – do we need to start asking people? Just need to monitor and make sure things are on track. Program calendar for the year is pretty set.
April 14, 2022 – General Meeting
Members Present: See Introductions
Meeting called to order at 6:00 P.M by Aleesha.
- Question of the month. For the rest of your life, if you could only use print fabric or solid fabric, what would you go for?
- Aleesha – prints
- Nancy – prints. Especially ones that read as solids
- Tamara – has large print fabric collection, so would be cool to add solids
- Lesley – prints, despite a large Kona subscription
- Cathy – loves solids but also loves batiks, so prints
- Kathy – n/a
- Terry – grunge is a print, so prints
- Cassie – prints 100%
- Michelle – solids all the way
- Jill – prints, no question
- Thea – prints, but is going against the grain and choosing solids
- Cindy – prints
- Lindsey – prints that read as solids
- Sharon – prints. Sharon hates solids
- Peggy – n/a
Line the Loop Outdoor Quilt Show information
June 11, 2022. 10am-1pm. Pybus to 9th Street (Linden Park)
Day of checklist:
- Quilts
- Weights
- Plastic/sheets
- Clothespins (if hanging anything)
- Seating
- Snacks
- Water
- Shade
- Sunscreen
- Bike (if you want a quick way to see all the quilts)
Jill will check business card supply and order more if needed.
Publicity needs for quilt show:
- (preshow) Flyer – Thea
- (preshow) NCW guild newsletter/email
- (preshow) Newspaper / other media
- (preshow) Post flyers including at quilt shops
- (show day) Business cards / handouts
- (show day) Quilt show sandwich boards
Agenda Items
Tamara- Treasurer report – budget status
Thea – Community outreach quilt back from QuiltCon. What are the next steps for it? Raffle to benefit our own non-profit guild? Donate to Land Trust? Somewhere else? Lesley will inquire about donation to land trust.
Lesley – Hawaii challenge quilt round up. (editor’s note: They were all amazing!!)
Michelle – Next month’s preview EPP curves. Members will be receiving supply list and paper pieces in the mail
June meeting – virtual quilt show of everything we’re showing at the outdoor quilt show
Show and Tell
Round robin quilt – Thea and Aleesha will share each month
Thu 4/21/2022 BOD Meeting
Board members present: Aleesha, Tamara, Lesley, Michelle, and Peggy
Future Programs:
- Lesley – Color challenge. Submit your least favorite color to Leslie if you want to participate (email will go out in June to see how wants to participate). Ask if anyone else has a 24 color wheel.
- Move Peggy’s program to December.
- September is now empty. Maybe the upcycling topic? Something else? Lesley will ask Geraldine to present on something. Tamara could come over for an in person meeting to show us how to do kawandi quilting at some point as well.
Traditional to modern program (November program). Aleesha will announce at May meeting. Will see if anyone else wants to join the challenge
- Michelle – grandmother’s flower garden EPP
- Aleesha – churn dash, friendship star, and 8 pointed star
- Lesley – TBD. maybe mill wheel?
- Tamara – Bear Paw
- Peggy – Drunkard’s Path
- Thea – sun bonnet sue
- Terri – 9 patch
Tamara – Treasurer Report
MQG Membership
1671.60 checking account balance
Non-profit status – we are considered an affiliate member through a group exemption. We don’t need to file a separate form with the irs. We go under the MQG umbrella. But we have to file taxes though. We have 2 years worth of tax returns to do, but can’t doing anything until MQG files in May. Tamara will keep on top of that. Also checking if we need to file with the WA secretary of state.
Other items
Add to newsletter: MQG challenge Oceana
Lesley – land trust wants our quilt to auction off at their November 4th event.
Michelle will take glamour shots of quilt. Talk to Thea about getting the quilt.
May 12, 2022 – General Meeting
Meeting called to order at 6:00 P.M by Aleesha.
MQG Community Quilt. Thea presented the color palettes as well as design ideas to get the ball rolling. As a group, we voted to move forward with the “cool” tones palette. The design hasn’t been finalized, but if you want to be a part of the design group or have an idea, contact Thea. The overall consensus of the group was that we liked something with a darker background, perhaps using improv, so we could all put our individual stamp on the quilt
Guild Retreat. Jill presented several date options as well as two location options. She asked for members to text her with their preferences. The results have come back and the retreat will be Sept 8-11 in Manson at the Timberline View Lodge. Cost is $55 per night (3 nights total). A $55 deposit is due to Jill by the end of June if you’d like to attend.
At the June 18th Sew-In, Tamara will present on Kwandi sewing/quilting techniques.
Michelle presented on sewing EPP curves using her Petal Power block. All members were mailed pieces, but let Michelle know if you didn’t receive them. We will be showing our finished blocks at the July meeting show and tell.
Show and Tell.
Thu 5/17/2022 BOD Meeting
Meeting was canceled.
June 9, 2022 – General Meeting
Meeting called to order at 6:00 P.M by Aleesha.
Members present: Aleesha, Terry, Tamara, Lindsey, Kathy P, Jill, Cassie, Lesley, Cathy S, Sharon, Nancy & Thea. Guest: Pam Luther
Members and a guest introduced themselves and each shared the tiniest of tips in regards to quilting.
Retreat – Dates are September 8 to 11th at Timberlane View Lodge in Manson WA. So far 13 people have expressed an interest. A deposit of $55 is due by June 30th and should be mailed to the guild’s PO box. The total cost for the three nights is $165.
Outdoor Quilt Show – Our third annual show is this upcoming Saturday, June 11th from 10 am to 1pm. Members will display their quilts on the grass of the park along the Loop Trail between Pybus Market and 9th Street Linden Tree entrances.
MQG Community Outreach Quilt – We finalized our design plan to be Diamond Improv blocks inspired by Rayna Gillman’s book cover. Thea will purchase 4 yards of Kona black for the background and members are encouraged to use their scraps for the string piecing from the blue green to yellow green colorway provided by the MQG. Pieced components are due by July 29th and the quilt top will be completed at the August sew-in. Thea has selected Behr paint chip colors to assist members in choosing fabrics from their stash. Aleesha will email those color names out to members along with a spreadsheet for sign up for blocks.
Kwandi Saturday – Tamara will teach members how to create a hand stitched kwandi at the sew-in on June 18th. She will email supplies to bring.
Future Programs – Upcoming program in July is Scrappy Happy by Aleesha who will do a deep dive into storing and using your scraps in quilts. Lesley will present Color Play in August. She has requested you email her your name, address and least favorite color to use in your quilts. She is giving everyone a color wheel with 24 colors by Joen Wolfrom. We will be doing a challenge in August using someone else’s least favorite color to show how that color can be used effectively in a piece. You will not have to use your least favorite color!
Our program was a slide show of quilts that will be displayed along the Loop Trail on Saturday with members talking about their quilt inspiration and stories.
Thu 6/16/2022 BOD Meeting
Board members present: Aleesha, Tamara, Lesley, Michelle, and Peggy
Agenda Items:
Michelle – review of quilt show – next year schedule date earlier so it doesn’t conflict with big guild fabric sale. Reach out to big guild sooner as well. Have everyone in one location instead of all spread out.
QuiltCon Community Challenge – is it okay to use the black fabric as our background? Instructions from MQG say not to add a neutral color at all. Aleesha has messaged Thea. Aleesha will message the MQG about this.
Lesley’s program (August 11) – not ready yet but has been creating a plan. Getting color wheels for everyone. Example color schemes. 10 minute stash / fabric pull challenge. People still need to send Lesley their least favorite color. Challenge: least favorite color challenge. You will get assigned someone else’s least favorite color to work with. Make a project (Due in November). Lesley will send out reminder about least favorite color.
Peggy will send out revised roster any time there are new members added.
July program – Aleesha – scraps. Organizing scraps. Scrappy quilt patterns. How to store / how to use. If we have any show and tell of scrappy projects, send them to Aleesha.
September will still be Peggy doing the MQG website refresh
October is Thea doing improv curves
November is all our board presenting on traditional to modern blocks.
December – end of year reflection. Something social. Perhaps a mug rug swap or cookie recipe exchange in a holiday card.
Fabric postcards next year for spring fling tradition
Send poll to members to see if they want to do a barn quilt class on a saturday sometime next year. Michelle messaging Sheila Snyder for her prices to teach the class. Hans (Terry’s grandson) is also another resource for teaching the class.
August 11, 2022 – General Meeting
Meeting called to order at 6:00 P.M by Aleesha.
Members present: Terry, Kathy P, Cathy, Annie, Michelle, Peggy, Shelli, Tamara, Lesley, Jill, Thea, Aleesha
Question of the week: What is in your garden this summer? What is your best producing vegetable or flower?
Community Challenge Quilt
Next sew in is for our community challenge quilt. We will be piecing it together on Saturday, August 20th
Thea – all blocks are in. She will bring them to the sew in or Jill will if Thea can’t make it
Retreat Information
Retreat dates: Sept 8-11
Jill will be sending out meal coordination email soon
Lunches and dinners (Breakfast will be on our own)
Jill will also check into parking situation
Payment will be due soon as well
Chelan County fair entry information
Quilt Entry: Wednesday, Sept. 7th. Anytime between 9am – 8pm
Quilt Pickup: Sunday, Sept. 11th between 5pm and 8pm. All buildings close at 8pm.

Next program – Lesley – will mail everyone color wheels. Doing least favorite color challenge where we’ll make a quilt with someone else’s least favorite color.
October program – Thea – improv curves presentation. That Saturday sew in will focus on sewing improv curves if anyone needs extra helps or wants to join in
Tonight’s program is scraps with Aleesha
Gudrun Erla https://gequiltdesigns.com/
Karen Brown https://www.youtube.com/c/JustGetitDoneQuilts
Lori Holt https://www.youtube.com/c/LoriHolt/featured
Thread catcher pattern http://www.thesewingchick.com/2014/05/tutorial-quilt-as-you-go-thread-catcher/
Show and Tell
Future programs:
- Spring fling postcard swap
- Barn quilt painting class with Hans
- Fabric dying with Cathy
September 8, 2022 – General Meeting
Retreat! In person / zoom meeting
Meeting called to order at 6:00 P.M by Aleesha.
Members present:
Introductions – Question of the month: What is new and exciting in your life?
Lesley, Jill, Tamara, Thea, Cathy, Cassie, Sharon, Nancy, Peggy, Terry, Cindy, Shelli, Michelle.
October program – Improv curves with Thea – next Saturday after will be sew-in to practice.
Community challenge quilt is done. Will get pics and entry description next month.
November program – Traditional to Modern
Last year’s challenge quilt going to the land trust.
Lesley’s program – Color Theory
December meeting – Least favorite color challenge reveal
Challenge color assignments
Show and tell
October 13, 2022 – General Meeting
Meeting called to order at 6:00 P.M by Aleesha.
Members present:
Thea’s amazing presentation on improv curves can be found HERE
November 10, 2022 – General Meeting
Meeting called to order at 6:00 P.M by Aleesha.
Members present:
Introductions – Question of the month: Favorite Thanksgiving food
- Aleesha – Mashed potatoes
- Tamara – gravy
- Terry – dressing with gravy, pecan pie
- Deborah – family jello salad, yams
- Cindy – Cranberry sauce
- Cassie – Turkey
- Peggy – dressing with gravy, pumpkin pie
- Shelli – gravy, cherry
- Lesley – chocolate cheese pie, rasp/cran jello salad
- Jill – mashed potatoes and pies (pumpkin, cherry, apple)
- Cathy – cranberry honey butter lefse
Feb 9 – 12 Sewing Retreat
- Aleesha will get ok with location
- Thursday 1pm start time
- Can leave things there at night
Community Challenge
Thea waiting for date to mail in the quilt
- Land trust dinner
- Quilt was auctioned off
- $650 raised
- Thank you to all who had a part in making this quilt!
Home for this year’s community challenge?
- Lesley suggested Justice Gala in April local legal services Non profit. Attorneys volunteer free legal services.
- Cindy suggested Alathea. Non profit riding therapy
Program – Traditional Turned Modern
- Michelle – Grandmother’s Flower Garden
- Tamara – Bear Paw
- Peggy – Drunkards Path
- Jill – Dresden plate & HST
- Terry – Nine patch or postage stamp
- Aleesha – Fan block, star, churn dash, flying geese
- Lesley – One big log cabin
Show and tell
11/17/22 – Board Meeting
Meeting called to order at 6:00 P.M by Aleesha.
Board Members present: Aleesha, Lesley, Tamara, Peggy, Michelle
Ideas for next year’s programs:
- Spring fling – March. Fascinator making contest. Bingo.
- Round Robin – Aleesha and Thea – April
- Peggy – MQG website and something off that.
- Upcycle program
- Out your window
- Quilt book challenge / swap/ exchange books (at retreat or in person meeting) – February. Parade of finishes in May
Budget – Tamara
- 2 new people joined. Dues will go for next year’s membership.
- 11/17 Tamara sent budget via email. Will present next year’s budget to membership. Ok to keep dues at $50. 22 current members. January = time to pay dues for members.
December 8, 2022 – General Meeting
Meeting called to order at 6:00 P.M by Aleesha.
Ugly color challenge parade of entries. Hosted by Lesley
- Tamara – white
- Cindy – aqua green
- Peggy – pink
- Terry – purple
- Nancy – red
- Sharon – pink
- Jill – brown
- Althea – tan
- Lesley – yellow
- Aleesha – brown
- Cathy – orange
- Cassie – brown
Letter from land trust – quilt donation for auction purchased for $650!
Tamara – last year’s budget and this year’s budget. Althea motioned to approve budget; Terry seconded it. Approved by all members
Peggy – Membership. Dues are $50. Mail by next meeting – January 10th. PO Box 3299; Wenatchee, WA 98807. Central WA MQG
No Saturday Sew In this month.
Next Year’s community challenge quilt
Do our own community Quilt this year instead of doing the MQG theme. Asking Cindy if she wants to head it up.
Winter retreat- Feb. 9-12 – will have guild meeting in person
Spring Fling – Fascinator making. Start with paper plate and make your own hat.
Openings for programs the second half of the year.
- January – book review. Bring your favorite book and sell us on it. 5 min each person. Send a pic of book cover to Aleesha before meeting.
- February – In person at retreat. Magazine challenge – rip out something interesting. Take turns picking out something interesting. Bring up to 4 pages.
- March – Spring Fling – bring fascinator supplies
- April – Thea and Aleesha – all about round robin – pros and cons.
- May – Parade of finishes for magazine challenge
- June – Peggy MQG challenge (parade of finishes in September).
- July – no meeting – potluck and outdoor demos
- Fall retreat – TBD
Show and Tell