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2021 Minutes

Thursday January 14, 2021 General Meeting

Members Present: See Introductions

Meeting called to order 6:01 P.M.

Agenda Items

  • Introductions – quilty resolutions?
    1. Lindsey – to work on what is already started
    2. Tamara – to try curves and Frankenbatting
    3. Nancy – to finish quilts I’ve started and to travel
    4. Terry – going to do whatever comes along and try new things
    5. Michelle – to sew through as much stash as I can
    6. Lesley – to get caught up on quilting work, have fun with group challenges, and to work on a quote quilt.
    7. Annie – to have a year of learning – curves, improv – to try new things
    8. Janessa – to make a quilt coat this year
    9. Aleesha – to go with the flow and to work on Nebula BOM
    10. Thea – to work on UFO’s and try Frankenbatting
    11. Jill – not starting a new project unitl I have quilted and finished a UFO.  Also, using what I have at home.
  • 2021 Program Chair
    1. Bring a UFO (something in progress with some piecing started) to February meeting
  • Let us recall what we accomplished in 2020
    1. We had a quilt show in the park and it was so lovely!
    2. We are 17 members strong!
    3. We completed our first charity quilt that will be on display at QuiltCon Together!
    4. We met virtually twice per month – at our general meeting and for sewing and socializing.
  • Announcement – don’t forget to send $50 dues (made out to Central Washington Quilt Guild) to Terry P.O. Box 942 Wenatchee, 98807
  • Program: Tamara and COLOR!
    1. See Program Handout
  • Show and Tell

Next Meeting:  February 11, 2021 Sewing Time 5:30, Meeting at 6:00 Check the website calendar for upcoming sewing events

Central Washington Modern Quilt Guild

Meeting Minutes 

Thu 1/21/2021 BOD Meeting

Members Present (list or provide copy of sign in sheet): Lindsey, Aleesha, Jill, Thea, Terry

Agenda Items

  • Membership Updates
    • Invite Moses Lake Modern Quilters to join
    • Invite modern quilters within the NCW QG to join us
    • Quilt shops
      1. Aleesha to Ephrata
      2. Thea (and maybe Jill)  to Leavenworth Quilt Company
  • Treasurer Report
    1. Current Bank Balance $915.97
  • Quilt Show Date Discussion
    1. Q1 QuiltCon Together 2021 (February)
    2. Q2 Quilt Show (Early June?)
    3. Q3 TBD (September – considering a possible retreat or a special guest lecturer/learning experience that members could register for)
      • Half-day Zoom lecture on certain types of categories
      • What about asking Seattle Modern Quilt Guild about who they’ve invited or who in their membership teaches.
      • BOD will continue to brainstorm ideas.
    4. Q4 Charity Quilt Sewing
  • Programs
    1. It is so refreshing and wonderful to have our beloved members presenting and teaching!  

NEXT BOD MEETING is Thursday February 25, 2021

Thursday February 11, 2021 General Meeting

Members Present (list or provide copy of sign in sheet): See Introductions

Meeting called to order 6:03 P.M.

Agenda Items

  • Introductions – a short story about your first quilt, who it was for, process, etc.
    1. Lindsey – first quilt came together in Dillon, MT and was a pattern booklet, stitched in the ditch and tied
    2. Tamara – started quilting in 1988, took a class in a basement shop in Wenatchee.  Made a queen-sized double Irish chain in rust and black.  Shipped the quilt to Moscow, Idaho to be longarmed.
    3. Nancy – quilting about 40 years, made a wall hanging quilt that was a combo of pieced and applique as a gift for family
    4. Terry – first real quilt is still unfinished, started in Hawaii while living there.  Made of 50/50 because cotton wasn’t available.
    5. Annie – first quilt was close to 22 years ago, a gift for her mom, a nine-patch on-point that was tied, used masking tape attached to the desk to line up the cuts.  Her Aunt, who is a seamstress, stepped in to offer some tips.  Her mom is in a memory care unit and that quilt is on her bed now.
    6. Janessa – first quilt less than a year ago with Ruby Star Society fabric, learned a lot with that one
    7. Aleesha – first quilt was FPP
    8. Thea – first was a pair of twin-sized quilts, a disappearing nine-patch from Missouri Star Quilt Company using fabrics that were meaningful to my husband and me and the life we are building together.
    9. Jill – three quick first quilts, first one was velvet rail fence and for her high school boyfriend.  Then took a class and made a sampler quilt.  Then tried quilt in a day to make a king sized quilt that was hand-quilted.
    10. Cathy Lennebacker (special guest) – Jill’s friend, they lived in an apartment complex together when their children were very little.  Jill and Cathy have been quitting together for years
    11. Sharon – took a class at Attic Window and gave her first quilt as a gift.  Recipient said it was like sleeping under the stars
    12. Peggy Ross – quilting 14 years, first quilt was a baby quilt, learned from her sister.  Recently started sewing clothes again.  
    13. Lara – sewing since childhood, quilting since 1994 when she made two baby quilts (kids now in their 20’s) with lots of bright colors using attic windows pattern.
  • Announcements
    • Plan for remainder of the year
      1. Program chairperson will be split six ways.  See previous minutes for schedule.
      2. Sew days meet, virtually for now,  on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month.
      3. Looking at the year ahead, we’d like to have quarterly special events
        • Q1 – QuiltCon Together (and, also, Quilt Coats)
        • Q2 – Outdoor Quilt Show as we did last year (sometime in June)
        • Q3 – planning a retreat/sew-together experience possibly with a virtual learning experience with a special guest speaker that could covey into an in-person experience if Washington covid restrictions allow.
        • Q4 – Charity Quilt Sewing for QuiltCon 2022 in Phoenix, AZ
      4. Membership – if you have any ideas for outreach, please let us know.  
    • QuiltCon Together is next week!
      1. Members, check your email for important information.
      2. Go to MQG website, login, and go to resources.
        1. There will be a presentation on Monday (also recorded) that outlines the platform for QuiltCon Together including how to access the quilts hanging in the show, classes you registered for, and lectures.
    • Pay your dues – send $50 dues (made out to Central Washington Modern Quilt Guild or CWMQG) to Terry P.O. Box 942 Wenatchee, 98807
    • Should we postpone our 3rd Saturday sew-in to the 4th Saturday due to QuiltCon?
      1. YES, it is decided, enjoy QuiltCon!  Sew-in will be the 4th Saturday in February, Aleesha will update the calendar.
  • Program: Jill and UFO’s
  • Show and Tell

Next Meeting:  March 11, 2021 Sewing Time 5:30, Meeting at 6:00 Check the website calendar for upcoming sewing events

Thu 2/25/2021 BOD Meeting

Members Present (list or provide copy of sign in sheet): Lindsey, Aleesha, Jill, Thea, Terry

Agenda Items

  1. Membership Updates
    1. 13 paid members, including two new members.  Terry will send Jill the info so she can update the spreadsheet.
    2. Aleesha will update her email list for Saturday sew-ins as well.
    3. Lindsey will transfer our two new members in the MQG system
  2. 2021 Program Check-In
    1. So far everything is going great.  It is so nice to be teaching and learning with our membership.  
    2. Next month, March, will be quilt photography with Michelle
    3. April will be a QAYG + Applique technique with Nancy
    4. The programs for the second half of the year will include some Q & A and individual perspectives on the projects.  Presenters should have a list of question/discussion prompts ready.  For example, in January Tamara introduced the paint chip challenge.  The follow-up meeting is in July.  Tamara could introduce discussion prompts at the June meeting to give members time to reflect.
  3. Treasurer Report
    1. Current Bank Balance $1,265.97
    2. Terry is going to create a budget for what we’ve spent and what we are planning for. 
    3. 2020 Summary
      • Income Total $975
        • $850 Membership
        • $125 Other Income (donations)
      • Outflow $179.03
        • 57.67 Advertising
        • $121.36 Fabric for Charity Quilt
  4. Special Q3 Event
    • We would like to open up the opportunity for a committee chairperson to plan and schedule this event.  
    • Budget for this event is $200
    • Members will pay an additional fee and should pay when they register because the guild will have to pay the instructor in advance.  
    • In order to fill the class to capacity, we could also open up the class to non-members who would pay an extra fee.  
  5. Transition to Meeting in Person
    • What is the plan?
      • When the guidelines allow for meeting with people outside our households we need to have a plan.  
      • The main meeting will remain on Zoom for the foreseeable future.  
      • As soon as weather permits we will return to outside sewing together.
      • Possibly, in the fall, we can go back to meeting together, even in small groups.
      • In the meantime, Aleesha will begin to look for a physical location for our meetings once we return to meeting in person.

NEXT BOD MEETING is Thursday March 18, 2021 at 7:00 P.M.

Thursday March 11, 2021 General Meeting

Members Present (list or provide copy of sign in sheet): See Introductions

Meeting called to order 6:03 P.M.

Agenda Items

  • Introductions – Name, City, How and Why to label quilts
    1. Lindsey – labels her quilts because her Grandma had a closet full of quilts.  Will label in machine quilting or writes directly on the backing her name and year.
    2. Tamara – mostly labels her quilts.  The reason why is several years ago she attended a museum presentation about how to date quilts based on fabric, etc. and she doesn’t want her future generations to wonder when a quilt was made.  Hand written label includes quilt title, year, event (wedding, birth, etc.), and (for art quilts) its inspiration.
    3. Nancy – name (married and maiden name), date (start and finish), full name of recipient, and city/town in which it was made.  Will use a printed fabric with lines or also uses a piece of lined paper with freezer paper to help keep the written lines straight.  
    4. Terry – admits to not being very good about labeling.  Rarely gives quilts away.  If there is a label:  made by me, who it’s for, year.  Has a stamp with the pertinent info that will go on a linen square and be sewn on.  Or, another option is to write the info on the binding.  Also takes a picture and adds them to her photo book.
    5. Annie – prior to Sunday never labeled a quilt.  However, her Mom was the family historian and now has dementia and cannot tell the stories now.  Her mom used to pull out the quilts and tell the stories.  Annie said “the stories are gone now” and has decided to label her quilts from now on.  
    6. Janessa – made one label so far for her friend that included a hand-written note.
    7. Aleesha – Tries to hand make (either EPP or attached by hand) a secondary/complimentary thing to add to the back of the quilt with the hand-written information on it.
    8. Thea – Maker’s Name, Year Started, Year Finished, Name of Quilt, Recipient’s Name
    9. Michelle – admits to being bad at making labels.
    10. Peggy Ross – had never labeled a quilt however, every baby quilt always gets a label:  her name stitched on the front as part of the quilting.
    11. Sharon (arrived after introductions)
    12. Lara (arrived after introductions)

Based on our discussion tonight, quilt labels should include the following – 

  • Maker’s Name(s) (including maiden name if applicable)
  • City
  • Year (started and finished if different)
  • Pattern/Block Information
  • Recipient and Occasion
  1. Announcements
    • The BOD discussed the possibility of meeting in person and decided that general meetings will continue on Zoom for the foreseeable future and hopes to have some more flexibility with our Saturday sew-ins being in-person.
      • Nancy mentioned that it would be good to wait until everyone has had the opportunity for the vaccine.
      • Aleesha thinks it could be a stumbling block to find a meeting location to host us under the current phases of Covid shutdown in Washington.
      • If anyone has a meeting space they know of then please let the board know.
    • Update on Saturday Sew-Ins
      • Discussion for meeting back in the Walla Walla Point Park in Wenatchee beginning the third Thursday in March (weather permitting)
    • QuiltCon Recap
      • Lindsey said that the most special thing for her was the Hartsfield Family Collection.  She felt very proud and lucky to have a connection to our community and that she had seen those quilts in person.
        • Janessa watched the video and said it had her in tears.  She was so touched by the history of the quilts
      • Tamara spoke about her experience with three classes and mentioned that she got burned out with all the time on the meeting
      • Aleesha wished she could have been among the quilts and looks forward to being in person next time.
      • Terry wanted to see things for real.
      • Lindsey said that Phoenix will happen in person in 2022 and Atlanta in 2023.
    • Lindsey mentioned some upcoming groups (committees, though she is adverse to the word committee)
      • Social Media – Michelle
      • Special events – Lecture/Workshops – Tamara
  2. Program: Michelle and Quilt Photography
    1. See Program Handout:  
  3. Show and Tell – check the website to see all the photos of our show and tell.

Next Meeting:  April 8, 2021 Sewing Time 5:30, Meeting at 6:00

Check the website calendar for upcoming sewing events and locations

Thu 3/18/2021 B.O.D. Meeting

Members Present (list or provide copy of sign in sheet): Lindsey, Jill, Thea, Terry

Agenda Items

  • Treasurer’s Report
    1. Current Balance $1415.97
    2. 16 paid members so far in 2021
  • Q3 Special Event (workshop, retreat)
    • Budget $200
    • Members would also pay a fee to participate.
    • Ideally, 8 members would participate
    • Tamara suggested a survey to see what might work best, either learning a new technique or following along on a pattern.    
    • Jill suggested very specific options
    • Tamara offered to reach out to some more instructors and guilds to get a better idea for good virtual retreat options.  Lindsey suggested email.
  • Fabric Patch in Ephrata reached out in our guild e-mail to see if any of our members would be interested in participating in their YouTube video series.  Lindsey will mention it at the next meeting that our members can contact them to be featured.  YouTube Link: 
  • Meeting Recordings
  • If anyone tries to record, a window pops up to ask the host for permission
  • What is our recording policy?
  • We discussed the possibility of recording for the benefit of our members only.  Such recordings would be announced ahead of time and kept behind a firewall (with password) on our website.  Presenters would have the option to decline being recorded.
  • Jill votes yes
  • Thea votes yes
  • Terry votes yes
  • Lindsey votes yes
  • Aleesha was absent.
  • Meeting Discussion
    1. Lindsey said the discussion may have gone on too long last meeting.  
    2. Thea suggested that each team chair should email the president the Monday before the general meeting so she (or he) can disseminate the information to the membership.  
      1. Lindsey will send an email to Tamara and Michele
  • The BOD terms expire in December 2021
    1. We should be making turnover materials of the incoming leadership team.
  • Newsletter
    1. Thea will type the Q1 newsletter in the next week or so and send it to the board for approval
    2. Lindsey may have some additions and will send to Thea

Next BOD meeting 4/29/2021 at 7:00 P.M.

Thursday April 8, 2021 General Meeting

Members Present (list or provide copy of sign in sheet): See Introductions

Meeting called to order 6:00 P.M.

Agenda Items

  1. Introductions – This Or That, by show of hands
    1. Lindsey – 
    2. Tamara – 
    3. Leigh – 
    4. Nancy –
    5. Annie – 
    6. Janessa – 
    7. Aleesha – 
    8. Thea – 
    9. Jill – 
    10. Michelle – 
    11. Lesley – 
    12. Sharon – 
  2. Announcements
    1. Two emails came in
      1. Inland Northwest Modern Quilt Guild (Spokane Area) is having a speaker on May 1, we can register for that by visiting their website:  
        1. Tamara mentioned that Portland Modern Quilt Guild is accepting outside their membership for their spring retreat.  Visit their Instagram page or website for more info.
      2. Ephrata store, The Fabric Patch, reached out to see if any members are interested in being featured on their YouTube series:  
    2. Aleesha contacted the Climbing Gym and we are we welcome to meet there (up to 15 people) as long as someone is a member (and several of us are).
      1. The Riverside Apartments can host up to 5 in its meeting room (so, a BOD meeting for example.
      2. Tamara mentioned her office may also be available, she will check after tax deadlines.
      3. Aleesha is moving to Hawaii and mentioned that the BOD will need to discuss her role as Vice President/Upcoming President.
    3. Board Of Directors Introductions/Job Description – please note a new Board of Directors will be in place January 2021 so please reach out if you are interested in serving on our governing board.  Per our bylaws, board members cannot 
      1. Lindsey Kiesz – President, leads meetings, manages the relationship between MQG and our local chapter, answers the guild e-mail.
      2. Aleesha Kobernik – Vice President, get everybody together for bi-monthly sew-ins, works on website with her husband (who is an IT guy) and will likely continue website work from Hawaii, searches for meeting space.
      3. Terry Murphy – Treasurer (absent tonight) does all of our accounting, P and L (profit and loss), budget management, etc.
      4. Thea Gyde – Secretary
      5. Jill Therriault – Membership Coordinator, tracks contact information for us to keep in touch.  Sends out welcome packet with stickers and logo fabric for new members.
    4. Special events – Upcoming Retreat – Tamara
      1. Booked Crazy Quilt Center in Lind 
        1. Save the date!
          1. Check In Wed 8/18 10 AM
          2. Check Out Sat 8/21 at 5 PM
        2. No facility cost but $35 for first two nights and $32 after that, $102 total
        3. Shared rooms but 14 people with no sharing of beds, minimum of 6 people to have the place to ourselves.
        4. Hot Tub and workout machines
        5. Massages and Mani/Pedi option as well
        6. Tamara has games and door prizes planned.
        7. Janessa volunteered to help plan.
        8. The plan is to have everyone bring their own food (or group together if desired).  The host can do dinners if we’d like.
        9. The host wants everyone to pay when they check out.  The board will discuss reservations and payment at our next meeting and make a formal announcement next month.
  3. Program: Nancy Presented Terry Kramzar technique.
    1. See Program Handout: 
  4. Show and Tell – check the website to see all the photos of our show and tell.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:02 P.M. 

Next Sew-In is April 24, likely outside, check your email and/or the website for details.

Next Meeting:  May 13, 2021 Sewing Time 5:30, Meeting at 6:00

BOD Meeting April 29 at 7:00 P.M.

Check the website calendar for upcoming sewing events and locations

Thu 4/29/2021 B.O.D. Meeting

Members Present (list or provide copy of sign in sheet): Lindsey, Aleesha, Jill, Thea, Terry

Agenda Items

  1. VP/Incoming President replacement
    1. Currently the VP is scheduling the bi-monthly Saturday sew-ins
      1. Lindsey says this is currently working great although the role could remain flexible.  The sew-ins may need to be separated from the VP position so that the incoming VP could have some autonomy in their role.  
      2. Aleesha has put out feelers in the group and no one has stepped up, so far.
      3. Terry suggested that we mention it at a general meeting so that everyone can be involved in the decision.
      4. Lindsey asked if Aleesha would be willing to serve out her term as VP.  Aleesha said yes.
      5. Thea asked Aleesha if she would consider stepping into the president’s role in 2022 from Hawaii with the understanding that the incoming VP would have additional responsibilities with running meetings and local community relations.  Aleesha said yes.
      6. Jill mentioned that we need clear definitions of the roles of President and Vice President to be added to the discussion and to the website.  
      7. So, here are the options
        1. Aleesha steps down as VP and someone else steps in (and will be approved according to our bylaws)
        2. Aleesha serves out her current term as VP and a new president will be nominated in January 2022 (and will be approved according to our bylaws)
        3. Aleesha continues as VP and becomes president in 2022 (and will be approved according to our bylaws)
        4. In any of these three options, the guild is still in need of a member or a group of members to step in and coordinate the group Sew-Ins (which could change as the incoming person/team decides). 
      8. Thea will add a request to the newsletter. 
  2. Meeting Recordings being password protected
    1. Sean says yes we can store recorded meetings as password protected content on our website.  
    2. Recordings will be at the discretion of the program presenter.  
    3. Aleesha will record the meeting as it comes up and add to the website
  3. How to register for retreats
    1. Have Tamara collect the money at registration.
    2. Refunds can be available on a specific timeline outlined by the retreat coordinator (Tamara). 
    3. When registration opens, members will e-mail Tamara to register for the retreat and arrange to send payment to reserve a spot.  
  4. Date for outdoor quilt show
    1. June 5, 12, 19, and 26
      1. The 5th is Apple Blossom
      2. Let’s go for the 19th!
        1. Jill would like to put it out to the membership to see if anyone wants to help out or take over the planning of this event.
  5. Treasurer’s Report
    1. Current Balance $1,515.97
    2. 18 paid members so far in 2021
      1. 2 new members Kim Hill and Leigh Smith, welcome ladies!
  6. Newsletter
    1. Thea will finalize the newsletter and send to the board for approval
    2. Once approved, Thea will send the newsletter as a BCC to the membership.
  7. Zoom Expenses
    1. The fees for Zoom is $15 per month.  Lindsey is currently paying out of her pocket
    2. Jill proposed that the guild should be paying for it.  
    3. Thea asked if there is a discount for a yearly membership.  
    4. Lindsey will get with Terry to switch Zoom expenses to the guild’s ledger.

Next BOD meeting 5/13/2021 at 7:00 P.M.

May 13, 2021 General Meeting

New Member – Kim Hill

Ice Breaker Question – What do you do to get out of a sewing/quilting rut?


Retreat – August 18 – 21 at Crazy Quilt Retreat in Lind, Wa.  Tamara will make up a registration form to be sent to Terry and put on Website.  A $20.00 deposit is required to reserve a spot.  Balance of $82.00 due at a time TBA.  Minimum 6 needed to have the facility to ourselves.  Max – 14.  We will be playing Strip Poker with 2 ½” strips.  # of strips to bring TBA.

Pop-up Quilt Show – June 19.  Jil has taken care of reserving the park area from Pybus to Ninth St.  A flyer is forthcoming for social media and the website.  The NCWQG will also be invited and informed.

Zoom Meetings – Guild will purchase their own Zoom acct.  Meetings will remain on zoom as well as in person when we can arrange that.  TBA.  

Vice President – Aleesha is moving to Hawaii.  After discussion, she will be taking on the Presidency in 2022.  

Sew-ins – In person Sat, May 15 at 5th St.  There will be two per month and Tamara will head this up from now on.  There will be one in person and one virtual.

Instagram Acct – Michelle Bartholomew is in charge of the postings.  

Program – Handquilting by Lindsey Keisz.  Challenge – hand quilt anything, a coaster works!

Submitted by Jill Therriault

Thursday June 10, 2021 General Meeting

Members Present (list or provide copy of sign in sheet): See Introductions

Meeting called to order 6:00 P.M.

Agenda Items

  1. Introductions – How many quilts are you bringing to our outdoor show on June 19
    1. Sharon – none unless she can finish one up before then
    2. Tamara – maybe 6
    3. Nancy – a handful of wallhangings
    4. Annie – will be her first quilt show
    5. Janessa – ALL THE QUILTS!
    6. Aleesha – thinks she will have about 5
    7. Thea – maybe 10?
    8. Michelle – probably 6
    9. Lesley – will be having a retirement party so won’t be able to attend
    10. Peggy – probably 3
    11. Cathy – joining us for the first time, from Wenatchee, Welcome Cathy! (won’t be in town that weekend)
    12. Jill – 6 – 8 finished this year
    13. Terry – 3, maybe 4
    14. Lara – maybe 2 or 3
  1. Business / Announcements
    1. Board of Director – duties and responsibilities
      1. Our board has lots of flexibility.
      2. Our bylaws state that board members serve for two years so a new board will be elected at the end of 2021 to be in place at the beginning of 2022.  
      3. The new board will serve during 2022 and 2023
        1. The bylaws state that board members may not serve in the same role for consecutive terms.
    2. Retreat 
      1. Registration form in the chat.  
      2. Annie asked if it’s possible to extend invitations to people not in the quilt.  Tamara said that we could consider that and open it up a month or so before the retreat.  Lindsey suggested that we can announce at the July meeting whether we can open it to members outside the guild.
      3. Spots will be limited to 14 so nobody has to share a bed or sleep on a top bunk.
    3. QuiltCon 2022
      1. Next month we will hear from members who have been to QuiltCon in person before
    4. Sew Days
      1. We are in need of a volunteer to host July Sew-Ins
    5. Be sure to check out our Instagram
    6. Quilt Show
      1. June 19, 2021
      2. 10 AM to 2 PM
      3. Checklist – quilts, weights, plastic ground cover, clothespins, seating, snacks, water, shade, sunscreen.
      4. Forecast is high of 93 and sunny so it will be warm.
      5. Tell your friends!
      6. Pybus will give us a shout out on their social media.
      7. Jill said the paper is going to cover it as well as Go! Magazine.
      8. We will also add it to our Instagram page.
  2. Program: Lesley “Celebrating Life Creatively In Quilts”
  3. Show and Tell.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:02 P.M. 

Next Sew-In is April 24, likely outside, check your email and/or the website for details.

Next Meeting:  May 13, 2021 Sewing Time 5:30, Meeting at 6:00

BOD Meeting April 29 at 7:00 P.M.

Check the website calendar for upcoming sewing events and locations

Thu 6/15/2021 B.O.D. Meeting

Members Present (list or provide copy of sign in sheet): Lindsey, Aleesha, Jill

Summary (provided by Lindsey Kiesz)

We chatted a bit about where we’ll set up: it sounds like the three of us will be near pybus, and it sounds like there will be a nice spread out of people. 

We talked about the board–it seems as though the group agreed that Aleesha will be president next year. We will take volunteers for positions and have a nominating committee. probably start asking for volunteers in october so that the elections/new board can be in place by Jan.

Sew days–first saturday in person–need volunteer, third saturday on zoom, Aleesha will talk to Tamara about hosting. 

I’m not available for July’s guild meeting–Aleesha will host. 

Thursday July 8, 2021 General Meeting

Members Present (list or provide copy of sign in sheet): See Introductions

Meeting called to order 6:00 P.M.

Agenda Items

  1. Introductions – if you have an outbuilding or barn, what type of quilt block would you paint on your outbuilding or barn?
    1. Sharon – a Friendship Star in 3 or 4 colors
    2. Tamara – a Bear Paw in 3, maybe more, colors
    3. Nancy – a star of some sort, maybe a friendship star in 3 or 4 colors
    4. Annie – a Storm At Sea in lots of colors, more than 2!
    5. Janessa – adori block in up to 8 colors though traditionally in 3 or 4 colors
    6. Aleesha – a Pineapple Block or a block that looks like a Pineapple
    7. Thea – a London Roads block in many scrappy colors
    8. Michelle – has one on the front of her house, it’s “Star-Like” in 5 or 6 colors, made by “Put A Quilt On It” 
    9. Lesley – something Thistle Like or Lady of The Lake in 3 or 4 or 2 colors respectively
    10. Peggy – a 3-color Hunter’s Star
    11. Cathy – would choose a tulip or some type of flower
    12. Terry – may have to consult her encyclopedia of quilt blocks
  1. Business / Announcements
    1. Recap of the 2021 Outdoor Quilt Show
      1. Many thanks to all who came and supported and special thanks to Jill for leading! 
      2. Several of us talked to possible new members and passed out fliers.
      3. We are in need of a volunteer to chair the Outdoor Quilt Show for the next year, please reach out to Jill or anyone on the Board to volunteer.
      4. Tamara mentioned that we may want to consider consolidating our display area in some way to reduce the large gaps in between.
    2. Retreat 
      1. Wed August 18 to Saturday Aug 21
      2. Crazy Quilter Retreat Center in Lind, WA
      3. 14 people
      4. Cost $102
      5. To Register, send your $20 deposit to:  CWMQG, P.O. Box 942, Wenatchee, WA 98807 along with a quilting tip written on a piece of paper.  Registration is open to people outside the guild starting today.  
      6. Activities:  a charity project, strip poker (bring some 2.5 inch strips), demos, Janessa will be coordinating meals.
      7. 8 people are registered so far and we will take a maximum of 14 people.
    3. Sew Days
      1. First and Third Saturdays, though that day can change as determined by the new chairperson.
      2. July 17th Volunteer
      3. August 7th Volunteer
      4. Reach out to Aleesha or LIndsey or anyone on the Board to sign up to volunteer to host.
      5. Thea will host Tuesday July 20th on Zoom at 6 PM
    4. Instagram – Central Washington MQG @centralwashingtonmqg
      1. Michelle is our content creator on Instagram, thank you Michelle!
      2. Use that handle when we post things in the group as well as the hashtag #centralwashingtonmqg
    5. Program:  Tamara is following up on our Paint Chip Challenge from January.  All photos from tonight’s program are found on our website under “About Us” then “Our Shenanigans”
  2. Show and Tell.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:02 P.M. 

Thu 8/3/2021 B.O.D. Meeting

Members Present (list or provide copy of sign in sheet): Lindsey, Aleesha, Jill, Terry, Thea

  1. Retreat
    1. Plans are underway, meals are being shared, prizes are coming in.
    2. We have seven members going, the retreat is open to invite friends and non-members.
  2. Guild Activities
    1. Quilt Con 2022 registration is underway, check your email for info on registering.
    2. Ask Michele to post/repost on Instagram regarding Quilt Con
  3. Charity Quilt
    1. We need to mention it at August meeting so give ourselves enough time.
    2. Suggest that we can do one of three things
      1. Same as last year
      2. A more simplified quilt
      3. None at all
    3. If we decide to do it
      1. Ask for a chairperson and a design committee to begin working.
  4. August Meeting
    1. Lindsey will be away, Aleesha will run the meeting.
  5. 2022 Board of Directors
    1. Aleesha
    2. We will open the remaining four positions – secretary, treasurer, vice-president, and membership coordinator – to the nomination and voting process. 
    3. Jill mentioned having a nominating committee
  6. Sew Together Time
    1. Thea mentioned that she can continue to host on Zoom from time-to-time and, once her remodel project is done.
    2. Jill said she can host at her house too.
    3. Let’s ask for others who may want to host.
    4. We may need to limit the number of machine quilters demanding on the spaces within the host’s home…some quilters may need to do hand work?
    5. The Climbing Gym is also an option.
  7. Programs for next year
    1. Lindsey mentioned that starting the year with the challenge was a great option
    2. It was so nice to have members teach and challenge each other.
    3. Linsey suggested having members sign up to lead us in topics surrounding the MQG  definition of what “modern” means.
    4. Jill suggested we do a short survey among the membership now to see what they might like to see next year.
    5. Perhaps we need a program chairperson to facilitate?
  8. Increasing Membership
    1. What are some ways that we can engage new members with our group?
      1. Sew days at Leavenworth Quilt Company?
      2. Modern Trunk Show at Leavenworth Quilt Company?
      3. Also contact the Ephrata shop to see if they would host us or a trunk show?
  9. Newsletter
    1. Thea asked for others to contribute to the newsletter
      1. Jill will submit something
      2. Ask Tamara to write a retreat summary
      3. If anyone has anything to add to the newsletter please send to Thea at
  10. New Group Project
    1. Aleesha, Terry, Janessa, and Terry are starting “Hey June” pattern by G.E. Designs on Saturday August 7 – please join in the fun – we are sewing in solidarity, no official meetings.

Thursday August 12, 2021 General Meeting

Members Present (list or provide copy of sign in sheet): See Introductions

Meeting called to order 6:00 P.M.

Agenda Items

  1. Introductions – 
    1. Sharon – (Wenatchee, WA) nephew from LA is visiting with his two little girls
    2. Tamara – (Ronan, Montana) every morning and evening there have been deer eating from the yard and it brings such joy that they are so close.
    3. Nancy – (Malaga, WA) two weeks ago we celebrated granddaughter’s 6th birthday.  She loves dinosaurs and made a very colorful dinosaur with Grandpa Bob.
    4. Annie – (Leavenworth, WA) went fishing and caught a nice Sockeye and also got together with Janessa and Jill for coffee.
    5. Janessa – sorry to miss these, Thea was in the midst of a hair appointment
    6. Aleesha – sorry to miss these, Thea was in the midst of a hair appointment
    7. Thea – sorry to miss these, Thea was in the midst of a hair appointment
    8. Michelle – sorry to miss these, Thea was in the midst of a hair appointment
    9. Lesley – sorry to miss these, Thea was in the midst of a hair appointment
    10. Peggy – sorry to miss these, Thea was in the midst of a hair appointment
    11. Jill – grandson had his first day back to school and also started a new quilt copying the tartan of her future son-in-law
    12. Terry – (Malaga, WA) harvested her garden – fresh corn, lemon cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, watermelon
    13. Lara – (Wenatchee, WA) went back to work in person with real people and meeting with students and their families.
  2. See slides here:  what has happened to bring a smile to your face since we last met?
    1. Peggy will lead the nominating committee to facilitate the turnover of our Board of Directors in January 2022. 
    2. Saturday sew-ins
      1. Jill contacted Leavenworth Quilt Company to see about sewing there and she hasn’t heard back yet.
      2. We talked about going to the Fabric Patch in Ephrata 
      3. Toyota Town Center would charge $100 per day for their room
      4. Tamara suggested another option
      5. Annie suggested the community room at Leavenworth Fire Station and will check on it.
      6. Lesley mentioned that she would be willing to host occasionally at her home.
      7. The Climbing Gym would also be an option
      8. Janessa and Thea offered to host on Zoom
    3. Retreat
      1. We are a party of 7 so we have room for more to join us.
      2. Wed 8/18 at 10 AM to Sat 8/21 at 5 PM
      3. Lots of space for sewing as well as a longarm to rent if needed
      4. Bring a swimsuit for sauna/hot tub
      5. Bring 10 2.5” strips for strip poker game
      6. Bring 5 2.5” strips for charity quilt
      7. Tamara has healthy snacks and not-so-healthy snacks for us to enjoy
      8. Meals will be shared and covered but let Janessa know if you need help.
      9. FYI, there is no microwave but a “new wave”
    4. MQG Community Challenge Quilt
      1. We are looking forward to having one or two or more members step into leading a design committee for our community challenge quilt.
      2. Quilt will hang at QuiltCon in Phoenix 2022
      3. Theme is “Angles, colors are on MQG website.
    5. Instagram
      1. Michelle is open to suggestions for more IG content
        1. More individual items
        2. More group projects
        3. Perhaps we can include some show and tell quilts
        4. Be sure to tag @centralwashingtonmqg when you post on Instagram
        5. If not on Instagram send pictures to Michelle in an email 
  3. Program – Jill’s UFO project follow up
  4. Show and Tell.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:02 P.M. 

Thursday September 9, 2021 General Meeting

Members Present (list or provide copy of sign in sheet): See Introductions

Meeting called to order 6:01 P.M.

Agenda Items

  1. Introductions – tell us your feelings on hand quilting
    1. Sharon – is trying hand quilting on a small project, a pot holder.  May not do it again but is glad she tried it.
    2. Tamara – has been quilting for several years.  Did not enjoy the traditional style of hand quilting but really likes “big stitch” quilting with perle cotton.  She likes the softness of the quilt when it’s hand quilted.  Is eager to try larger quilts with the hand quilting.
    3. Nancy – says ditto to Lisa and Terry’s comments.  Loves hand quilting so much.  If she had the time, every quilt top would be hand quilted.  LIkes to hand quilt small, wall hanging sized quilts
    4. Janessa – loves hand quilting so much that her winter project will be hand quilting a king-sized quilt
    5. Aleesha – loves hand quilted pieces that were gifted.  Has hand quilted long stitches on a couple of small projects plus a couple more projects in mind for a couple 
    6. Thea – has tried hand quilting and made some mistakes in the past (wrong tools, wrong technique) but now that she has better tools and skills loves to hand quilt for both decoration and function.  
    7. Cathy – has never done hand quilting but is a little intimidated by it and eager to learn more.
    8. Lisa – grew up quilting and hand piecing and hand quilting was all she knew how to do.  It wasn’t until ten or fifteen years ago that she started using machines.  Still very much enjoys hand quilting.  Shared with us that she remembers the hand quilting frames being part of the decor in her home.
    9. Peggy – has never done hand quilting but has a wedding quilt made by her mother that is all hand piecing and hand quilting.  Wouldn’t mind attempting something small to try it out because she likes to try new things.
    10. Jill – hand quilting depends on the season of her life.  Doesn’t think hand quilting needs to be legalistic regarding thread, stitch length, etc.  Always uses a metal thimble and carefully chooses her materials.  Favorite material is white muslin.  Likes to hand quilt on quilts with open spaces rather than many many seams.  Favorite batting is cheap polyester.
    11. Terry -first quilts had more hand quilting than the most recent ones.  Has a quilt that is completely hand done and she loved doing it.  Hands don’t like it as much anymore but still enjoy doing it.  Likes Mountain Mist cotton batting
  1. No Slides Tonight, we reviewed and discussed the newsletter.
    1. Sewing Together
      1. Zoom on the first Tuesday of every month beginning in October (Thea and Janessa are alternating hosts)
      2. In person on the third Saturday of every month coming soon…
      3. Impromptu Zoom this Saturday 9/11/21 at 1:00 P.M. check the website for meeting login.
    2. Retreat Summary
      1. Good location, lots of fun!  See Tamara’s Summary in the Newsletter
    3. Community Challenge Quilt
      1. Watch your email for a message from Thea about how to help us create a beautiful community challenge quilt.
      2. Sharon mentioned hanging a quilt at Pybus
    4. Board of Directors Change January 2022 – Elections November 2021
      1. Please reach out to any one of us on the Board if you are interested in filling the available positions on the board.
      2. Terry mentioned getting a P.O. Box for the guild so that she can order checks and put an address on them.  The cost is $137 per year.
        1. Sharon moved that we get a post office box
        2. Everyone voted yes
        3. So approved.
  2. Program – Lindsey’s Hand Sewing Follow Up photos on website: 
  3. Show and Tell 

Meeting Adjourned at 8:07 P.M.

Thursday October 14, 2021 General Meeting

See minutes here.

Thursday October 28, 2021 BOD Meeting

See minutes here.

Thursday November 11, 2021 General Meeting

See minutes here.

Thursday November 18, 2021 BOD Meeting

See minutes here.